"Such an exciting ride, where you can't put the book down. Love the innuendoes. Feels like you are there, so well written." - Linda K Goodwin, Goodreads reviewer
"Engaging characters (in the vein of Jane Austen), an idyllic country setting in 1799-1801, a humorous storyline, and vivid descriptions." - Jacquelyn, Goodreads reviewer
“Loved this Regency Historical Rom-Com that makes you laugh out loud. I enjoyed reading about Felicity and her friendship with Jane Austen. I felt as if this could be the life that Jane would have had. Fantastic job, Angela. You have captitivated my interest and leave me wanting more.” - Lisa J Page, Goodreads Reviewer
"I adored this series and this was such a beautiful conclusion. The cliffhanger at the end of book 2 about finished me off and seeing it resolved so throughly was wonderful." - Day Ravenstone, Goodreads Reviewer
"Packed full of scandal and roguish behaviour, with even a fake pregnancy/birth and a kidnapping (sort of), and always in a perfect regency style, this book does not disappoint." - Chloe Blyth, author
"A delightful continuation of a wonderful series in which Pearse masterfully captures Austen’s spirit in this reimagining of her life and works." - Ryden, Goodreads Reviewer
"Immersive and enthralling! Another great read set in Jane Austen's world. I struggled to put it down." - Chloe Blyth, Author
"If you're a lover of Austen, you'll find all the fun little hints and references that really demonstrate Pearse's attention to detail and her commitment to authenticity for this genre of period romance - and Jane's storytelling." - Joanna, Amazon reviewer
“A funny and fast-paced Regency romp which kept me turning the pages.” - Primi, Goodreads Reviewer
"Absolutely brilliant, to this day when I want a cozy girlie read this is my favorite author." - Dawn Alexander, Goodreads Reviewer
"Entertaining throughout ... A fun, engaging read featuring Austen's popular character types and tropes." - Erica, Goodreads Reviewer
"Rake, rogue, cad - none are vile enough to describe Mr. Hart and his fortune hunting. I felt empathy for Lucy and Felicity's run ins with the deceitful man. A suspenseful journey." - bmcgrath1116, Goodreads Reviewer
"This was such a great book! I've never read anything by Jane Austen, but this book makes me want to." - Amy Anderson, Goodreads Reviewer
"I loved Flissy, she was SO fiesty and she just absolutely ruled everything she did. She didn't take no shit from anyone." - Kirsten, Instagram Reviewer
"Wow as an Austen addict this was brilliant I’m still giggling about the goings on." - Corinne, Amazon Reviewer
"Mr Fitzroy as the Darcy character, Mr Pringle as a Welsh Mr Bingley, Humbleton as sad sack Mr Collins, it’s just a rollicking good time." - Lynn G, Amazon reviewer
"I quickly became obsessed with Mr Fitzroy and absolutely adored his relationship with Felicity. There were so many laugh-out-loud/stand out moments." - Chloe Blyth, Author
"Suspend your strict Austen recollections and just enjoy this brief ray of sunshine that’s the perfect palate cleanser after a heavy literary diet of angst and despair." - Lynn G, Amazon Reviewer
"Started this book before bed thinking I’d only read the first chapter… ended up not being able to stop and read the whole thing (sleep? Who needs it?). Such a fun read!" - Darlene Marina, Amazon Reviewer
"I read the whole book in one sitting and laughed so much my cheeks hurt by the end of it!" - Joanna, Amazon reviewer.
"What can I say... wonderful. I found this novel very well written, funny, sentimental and above all capable of telling the story of a woman's struggle against the rules of the times in a "light" but significant way." - Raffaella, Amazon Reviewer
"Since I am a lover of all things Jane Austen, I thoroughly enjoyed this fun and creative novel. I have read a number of re-imagined Pride and Prejudice stories but I think this might be one of my favorites." - Margaret P Medberry, Goodreads Reviewer
"If you love Pride and Prejudice or Bridgerton then I think you'll eat up this story." - Marie, Goodreads Reviewer
"Funny without being silly and the prose was just fantastic... I’m not normally into historical fiction but this was so good." - Day Ravenstone, Author and Instagram Reviewer
"The parallels between the two timelines were cleverly written and woven together, and the novel has plenty of humour too (which you might not expect from a book partially about smallpox!)." - Chloe L Blyth, Author
"I loved the Pox! I got pulled in from the start and kept wanting to read more by the end of every chapter." - Katy H, Amazon Reviewer
"I devoured this book in less than a day." - Lynn, Goodreads Reviewer
"The author's deft storytelling treats Mercy's misfortunes with respect while keeping the pace brisk and the reading experience light." - Erica, Goodreads Reviewer
"Delightful cringe, hilarious spice, and has you wanting to shake these women who deserve so much more than they believe." - Michelle Bettencourt, Goodreads Reviewer
"Reader: it is so damn clever! I just loved the way that the author wove the most inspiringly perfect Bronte quotes into the start of every chapter.' - Isabella May, Author of Spin the Bottle
"The worldbuilding in this book is very immersive. I felt back in Haworth, back in the time of the Brontes." - Katy H, Amazon Reviewer
"Oh my goodness, I loved Brontë Lovers soooo much!!! From the initial set up with Lizzy in an (unfortunately very relatable) bad relationship, to ghostly tickles (lmao), and not a "single bed" trope but a single SLEEPING BAG, this book has it all." - Chloe L Blyth, Author of Christmas Wishes and Popcorn Kisses
"Amazing writing that puts you in between the pages as if it's your own story and I truly love that ." - Dawn Alexander, Goodreads Reviewer
"You don't need to be a fan of the Brontes to enjoy this and if you like your books spicy then this is the one for you!" - Jackie, Goodreads Reviewer
"Bailey... oh boy, I have a new book boyfriend again 😍 This festive fanatic is just what grinchey Holly needs!' - Amazon Reviewer
"I fell in love with The Holly Project before I even finished the first chapter." - Amazon Reviewer
"A quick fun holiday read that was hard to put down." - Amazon Reviewer
"Such a cute and relatively quick read mostly because I couldn’t put it down. I love that it was switched up a bit with the FMC being the grumpy and the MMC being the Christmas sunshine of the Grumpy-Sunshine trope." - Goodreads Reviewer
"A perfect feel good holiday read. Highly recommend if you’re looking for a warm hug from a book this holiday season." - Goodreads Reviewer
"Well written, told both points of view, easy to read and won't be my last from this author. Enjoy!" - Lisa, Goodreads Review
"I do marvel when a book is so well written (and well edited) I can just breeze through it as fast as my attention will allow. I could not put this one down!" - Bebe, Goodreads Review
"This book is the perfect pick-me-up if you're in need of cheering up, just get a tub of ice-cream to go with it, otherwise you'll be salivating." - Belle Henderson, author
"Such a cute idea for a story! I don't think I've ever seen a romance set in a gym despite the obvious potential of so much physicality. And the diet / weight loss aspect of the story was deftly handled. An easy, quick, low-drama read." - Erica, Goodreads Review
“Vivid descriptions infused with imagery galore, and an amusing storyline which gave this reader belly laughs throughout. I loved the marvelous narrative.” - Jacquelyn
“The way Angela described Florence was absolutely mesmerising, I haven't been to Florence but I have a yearning to visit, eat lots of gelato and bask in the Tuscan sun. Angela really makes you feel as if you're right there with the characters, giving you all the feels.” - Belle Henderson
“I DEFINITELY recommend it to anyone/everyone who loves a romantic comedy book packed with spice, travel and probably the best communication between partners I’ve personally ever read.” - _charliesbookshelf
“Great balance of sweet and steam with a fun storyline that captivated and wonderful descriptions that sucked me in! Such a great rom com!” - J
‘I loved this book, it was so funny and relatable. Aster is an extremely likeable main character, vulnerable and flawed but aren’t we all?’ – Amazon reviewer.
‘As someone who used to do online dating there were lots of funny moments. It was a light, easy-to-read rom com and it put a smile on my face. I definitely recommend reading this.’ – Goodreads reviewer.
‘This book was a realistic story of the struggles of modern online dating! Great read to just lose yourself for a while, in something not too heavy!’ – Amazon reviewer.
‘Full of humour, misunderstandings, angst, crossed wires, secrets and mischief, all of these combine to make a really good read with some laugh out loud moments.’ – Amazon reviewer.
‘Her writing is a breath of fresh air that mixes spicy, with romance, with realism in a beautiful and funny story that won’t disappoint.’ – Goodreads reviewer.
‘My Double Life was an enjoyable fun page turner. I would highly recommend this book if you’re looking for a quirky romcom to get your teeth into as it was brilliant in every way.’ – Belle Henderson, Author.
”I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Started off with a bang (literally) and continued to be attention grabbing. There wasn’t a single dull moment and I couldn’t put it down. I absolutely loved Nathan and Em together. I also loved reading as Em became more confident in herself and what she wanted. LGBTQ+ side characters included, plenty of laughs, and such a well rounded story made this a great read.’ – Meg.reads.ebooks.
‘My Double Life was such a witty and funny novel that had me laughing out loud. I want more of Nathan and Emma!’ – Amazon reviewer.
‘I definitely need to read more books like this. I cannot remember the last time a book made me laugh out loud as this one did. The dialogue was witty and laugh-out-loud funny. The characters of Emma and Nathan were endearing while the character of Callum had just the right amount of abrasiveness … I definitely want to read more from this author.’ – Amazon reviewer.
‘Couldn’t put it down. A great read for lovers of rom com. Laughed out loud a lot during this book. Sexy hot flatmate definitely a bonus. Highly recommend.’ – Goodreads reviewer.
‘… the charm of a Kinsella romance, and the awkward comedy of a Maxted romance. I found it delightful and refreshing from most American tropes. You won’t be disappointed!’ – Amazon reviewer.
‘Really enjoyed this book! I loved seeing Emma come into herself and become more confident. Julie was the best kind of best friend. Loved watching the relationship between Emma and Nathan! There were tons of unexpected twists and it kept me interested in reading.’ – Goodreads reviewer.
‘What a fantastic story! It’s cute and funny. I was hooked from the beginning and couldn’t put it down. The characters are wonderful and the shenanigans and witty banter between James and Jane had me laughing out loud. I couldn’t get enough. Highly recommend reading this.’ – Goodreads reviewer.
‘A great book for those who love travel and romance. Well written and likeable characters. Definitely recommend.’ – Goodreads reviewer.
‘A light and entertaining chic lit book about the dive into travel writing and falling for your travel buddy. A fun read.’ – Goodreads reviewer.
‘Light, fun, read with creative plot points and a charming protagonist. Loved the many locations depicted!’ – Goodreads reviewer.
‘This book is highly engaging. I’d say it is a great source of inspiration for anyone, like the main character, who wishes to tap into freelance. You’ll also get an exciting adventure and romance along the way which only adds to the story.’ – Goodreads reviewer.